NH Army Guard Schools

NH Army Guard Schools

For Information Email: ng.nh.nharng.mbx.g3@army.mil 

Course Title: Ranger
Length: 8 Weeks, 5 Days
The purpose of the Ranger Course is to further develop leadership attributes, competencies, resiliency, and the technical and tactical proficiency of Soldiers to improve their ability to plan and conduct missions to close with and destroy the enemy in direct ground combat normally associated with Infantry, Ranger squads and platoons.

Course Title: Basic Military Mountaineer Course
Length: 14 Days
Description: Students will have the following general subject areas taught during this Course of Instruction: Mountain Navigation Skills, Individual Mountain Skills, Small Unit Mountain Skills, Mountain Medical Skills, and Summer/ Winter Specific Practical Exercises.
Course Title: Pathfinder
Length: 15 Days
Description: The Pathfinder course uses the small group instruction strategy. Pathfinders will demonstrate fundamental skills through the establishment and operation of multi-ship helicopter landing and pickup zones; Facilitate the integration of rotary and fixed wing aircraft during joint operations; Apply fundamental knowledge of external rotary wing load preparation and the inspection process; Integrate knowledge of certified sling-load preparation into the preparation of unique sling-loads; Demonstrate fundamental skills in the selection, establishment, and operation of drop zones in support of the ground unit commander.
Course Title: Health2Fitness
Length: 12 Days
Description: Audience is NHNG Servicemembers who are looking to improve overall fitness and healthy lifestyle. Daily workouts, nutrition classes and
resources (Open to Army and AF).
Course Title: Ranger Assessments
Length: 3rd Friday April & October
Description: The NHNG conducts two assessments annually to select candidates to attend Ranger School. The assessment consists of a packing list layout, the Ranger Physical Fitness Assessment, Land Navigation, a written test, a 12-mile ruck and more.
Course Title: WOCS/OCS PH0
Length: 2 Weeks
Description: Audience is current members of the New Hampshire Army National Guard who desire to be Officer or Warrant Officer. Trains personnel in leadership, ethics, professional development, communicative arts, personnel management, military history, employment, tactics, support, structure of the Army, and military training.
Course Title: Air Assault
Length: 10 Days
Description: COMBAT AIR ASSAULT PHASE (Phase 1): During this phase of CAA, students receive instruction on the various aspects of combat air assault. This includes aircraft orientation, aircraft safety, aero medical evacuation, pathfinder operations, combat assault, and hand and arm signals. SLINGLOAD OPERATIONS PHASE (Phase 2): During this phase, students receive instruction on preparing, rigging, and inspecting various standard slingloads. RAPPELLING OPERATIONS PHASE (Phase 3): During this phase, students receive instruction on tying a rappel seat, hook-up techniques, lock-in procedures, belay procedures, and combat rappel. Students will conduct multiple rappels from a rappel tower and from U.S. Army rotary wing aircraft.
Course Title: Company / 1SG Pre-Command Course
Length: 7 days
Description: Audience is recently appointed (required for sitting Commanders/First sergeants) or near future appointments for Company-Level Commanders and First Sergeants. Develops leadership skills and techniques essential to Command a Company size element. Informs students of requirements and available resources so that they can have a successful command focused on training rather than trying to figure out admin tasks. Prerequisites: current commander training requirements.
Course Title: GT Enhancement Score
Length: Twice A Year / 10 Days
Description: Audience is NHNG Servicemembers seeking to increase their GT Enhancement score. This is a retention tool that qualifies existing servicemembers to reclass to a new MOS or attend OCS/WOCS. Students work with a math tutor and general studies tutor to prepare for the test. Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) administered at end of 2 weeks to establish new GT score (Open to Army and AF).
Course Title: Equal Opportunity Leader
Length: 6 Days 
Description: Audience is soldiers identified as EOLs for their unit. This course is designed to train equal opportunity leaders, provide a foundation for understanding group dynamics and the communication process; increase awareness of racist or sexist behavior; and increase awareness of discrimination based on race, sex, cultural, or ethnic differences. Will introduce students to current equal opportunity regulations and policies. 
Course Title: Jungle Operations Training Course
Length: 12 Days
Focuses on jungle mobility training, waterborne operations, combat tracking, jungle tactics, survival training, and situational awareness exercises at the Squad level.
Course Title: Rappel Master
Length: 7 Days
Description: The Rappel Master Course is six days in duration consisting of an in-processing day, four days of instruction, and a graduation day. The scope of the Rappel Master Course is to train on the critical skills and techniques that are necessary to become a qualified rappel master. Students are required to complete training on responsibilities, safety SOPs and regulations, anchor systems, equipment familiarization, inspection and maintenance, ground training / hook up, knots, seat inspection, tower refresher / rappelling, and aircraft rigging and control. Prior to graduation, students must successfully complete written and hands-on examinations.
Course Title: Instructor Training
Length: 10 Days
Description: Audience is new instructors, trainers, and facilitators. Open to NHARNG primarily, but we get students from across the Army (AD, Reserves, and other NG). It is a competency-based course with learning objectives based on internationally recognized instructor competencies published by the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction.
Course Title: Combatives Level 1&2
Length: 7-14 Days
Description: Army Combatives are hand-to-hand combat skills that Soldiers train in to prepare for close-quarters combat. Combatives training is based on martial arts, such as boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). 
Course Title: TAC Qualification Course
Length: 3 Days
Description: The TAC Qualification Course (TQC) is designed for Officer Candidate School (OCS) faculty. The course focuses on course designed to teach incoming OCS Cadre the teaching and mentorship relationship between Candidate and Cadre in the OCS environment, how to interact with Candidates, how to develop trust and teamwork amongst a class of candidates, and how to accurately assess and provide feedback to candidates on key documentation forms.
Course Title: Maneuver Tactics Foundation Course
Length: 5 Days
Description: The Maneuver Tactics Foundation Course (MTFC) is designed for Officer Candidate School (OCS) faculty. We primarily teach NHARNG instructors, but we routinely have students from across New England. The course focuses on Army doctrine and the foundations for tactical planning and execution. The course spans eight major subject areas: multidomain operations (MDO), operational terms and graphics, offensive and defensive operations, orders, the Troop Leading Procedures, terrain models, small unit tactics, and fires planning.