Course Title: Pathfinder
Length: 15 Days
Location: ARNG Warrior Training Center, Fort Moore, GA & MTTs
Description: The Pathfinder course uses the small group instruction strategy. Pathfinders will demonstrate fundamental skills through the establishment and operation of multi-ship helicopter landing and pickup zones; Facilitate the integration of rotary and fixed wing aircraft during joint operations; Apply fundamental knowledge of external rotary wing load preparation and the inspection process; Integrate knowledge of certified sling-load preparation into the preparation of unique sling-loads; Demonstrate fundamental skills in the selection, establishment, and operation of drop zones in support of the ground unit commander. This course produces the ASI F7 for enlisted personnel and 5Q for officer personnel. This is an integral component of the Soldier's career progression with certification on the various aspects of rotary and fixed wing air operations. COURSE OUTCOMES: 1. Demonstrate fundamental skills in the establishment and operation of multi-ship helicopter landing and pickup zones. 2. Facilitate the integration of rotary and fixed wing aircraft during joint operations. 3. Apply fundamental knowledge of external rotary wing load preparation into the inspection process. 4. Integrate knowledge of certified sling load preparation into the preparation of unique sling loads. 5. Demonstrate fundamental skills in the selection, establishment, and operation of drop zones.6. Employ appropriate Soldier load management concepts in multi-domain operations (MDO).
SQI/ASI Awarded: Officer ASI “5Q”, Enlisted ASI “F7”
Pre-Requisites: Rank Restriction: E3-E7, O1-O3. MOS Restriction: Officers must be AOC 11A, 12A, 19A, 35D, 90A, 92A. Enlisted Soldiers must be 11B, 11C, 15Q, 19D, 88M, 92R, 92Y. GT Score of >109. Position Restrictions: Soldiers must be assigned to or enroute to a Pathfinder coded position.