Course Title: WOCS/OCS PH0
WOCS/ OCS PH0: These courses are conducted for the months leading into WOCS/OCS PH1. Addresses training, equipment and administrative tasks necessary to prepare students for their PH1 course.
Prerequisites: Be eligible for WOCS/OCS as appropriate.
OCS PH0 is a three-month IDT course from April to June every year. WOCS PH0 is a one-month IDT course conducted in February every year.
WOCS PH2: Audience is current members of the NHARNG who desire to be warrant officers in the NHARNG. MEARNG has reached out about sending students to our next class. Trains personnel in leadership, ethics, professional development, communicative arts, personnel management, military history, employment, tactics, support, structure of the Army, and military training.
Prerequisites: Eligible to be a warrant officer in the ARNG
Completion of WOCS PH1 (2-week course conducted at Camp Atterbury, IN). WOCS PH2 is a five-month IDT course conducted from April to August every year.
OCS PH2: Audience is current members of the NHARNG who desire to be commissioned officers in the NHARNG. We also teach VTARNG soldiers and have had students from MEARNG in the past. This course develops selected personnel to be Second Lieutenants in the Army of the United States, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard and to prepare them for the Basic Army Officer Leadership Course (BOLC).
Prerequisites: Eligible to commission in the ARNG
Completion of OCS PH1 (2-week course conducted at Region A OCS BN HQ Camp Niantic). OCS PH 2 is a year-long IDT-based course conducted from August to July every year.