Soldier Services - Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program works with commanders to plan, coordinate, implement, execute, and manage the events associated with pre, during and post deployment for service members and their families. The events are designed to provide sufficient information on benefits, services, and referral programs available to service members and their families through all phases of the deployment cycle. Participation in Yellow Ribbon events is mandatory for service members in the deployment cycle and highly encouraged for family members. Yellow Ribbon events offer service members (often whole units) and their families a chance to get together with others who are in the same phase of the deployment cycle, as well as gain information and access to benefits, services and programs that are available to them. The information and training that is provided through Yellow Ribbon events is important throughout the deployment cycle as it helps service sembers and their families prepare for deployment through the reintegration phase after deployment.


POC: SSG Lindsay Edum
Yellow Ribbon Program Coordinator

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program