News Archive

Feb. 6, 2021

Arrival makes dozen planes for Pease

The 157th Air Refueling Wing has its full complement of planes, following the delivery of a KC-46A Pegasus aerial refueler directly from the factory to Pease Air National Guard Base, Newington, New Hampshire, Feb. 5. The arrival brings the base’s fleet to its full roster of 12 jets.

Feb. 3, 2021

NH Guardsmen return from DC mobilization

The contingent of New Hampshire guardsmen mobilized to Washington, D.C., for the presidential inauguration has returned. After guarding an office building and then staging at the Department of Agriculture during the presidential inauguration, the team of 50 NH citizen soldiers and airmen completed its security mission at other government facilities. They flew back to New Hampshire on Jan. 23 after New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu ordered their immediate return.

Jan. 13, 2021

NH Guard Vaccination Missions Continue

As they begin their second full week of the state’s three-phase vaccination mission, New Hampshire Guardsmen have gelled quickly into a cohesive team.

Jan. 13, 2021

NH Guardsmen Backfill Corrections Officer Shortages at State Prison

A team of New Hampshire Guardsmen activated for pandemic relief operations has become a fixture at the state prison in the state capital. The mission, which started in mid-December, stopgaps a critical shortage of corrections officers caused by COVID-19.

Jan. 6, 2021

Vaccination Mission Finishes Busy First Week

The New Hampshire National Guard completed its first full week of vaccination operations at 13 state locations.

Dec. 31, 2020

New Hampshire Guardsmen activated at 13 vaccination sites

Thirteen vaccination sites officially opened for New Hampshire first responders and high-risk ambulatory care providers Dec. 29. Teams of New Hampshire Guardsmen were assigned to each site to manage traffic, logistics and administer vaccines.

Dec. 29, 2020

A message to our media

We understand and appreciate that your job of keeping the public informed has been especially crucial during the pandemic, and that it has been a challenge sometimes to "get the story" when you're expected to follow the same health and safety protocols. Just wanted you to know that you're welcome to use any of the imagery and written product posted on this page as well as our NHNG Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds.

Dec. 22, 2020

A Holiday Message To the Soldiers, Airmen and Civilian Employees of the NHNG

As we take a much-earned pause to enjoy the holidays with our family and friends, I want to commend you for persevering through an extraordinary year. 2020 truly has been the Year of the Guard.

Dec. 15, 2020

Pease refuels Blue Angels for Army-Navy Game flyover

A Pease aircrew helped conduct the first-ever KC-46A aerial refueling of the Navy's Blue Angels on Dec. 12 in support of their flyover for the annual Army-Navy football game at West Point.

Dec. 7, 2020

No Wrong Door

A year unlike any other in our modern history. Since March, more than 700 New Hampshire National Guardsmen have been activated for pandemic relief efforts across the state. From food pantries and PPE warehouses to test sites, they have answered the call. And through each mission, behavioral health professionals have shepherded soldiers and airmen during quarantines, travel restrictions, social distancing and lockdowns.

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