News Archive

June 28, 2021

Cancer Mortality Study Presented at Pease Town Hall

The 157th Air Refueling Wing hosted a Town Hall on June 23 to present the findings of a base cancer mortality study conducted by the Air Force.

June 22, 2021

Pease Town Hall

The 157th Air Refueling Wing will host a Town Hall at Pease Air National Guard Base in Newington on June 23 at 2 p.m. to discuss findings of a U.S. Air Force cancer mortality study. The event is open to valid military ID card holders, including members of the New Hampshire Air National Guard, military dependents and retirees.

June 9, 2021

Spc. Thomas Echelberger: NH Guardsman and Olympic Hopeful

Spc. Thomas Echelberger of the 195th Regional Training Institute is a biathlete for the NHNG and Olympic hopeful. He’s in Jericho, Vermont, for a two-week biathlon training course. The invitation-only program trains top Nordic athletes for a chance to represent the United States in the Olympics and other international competitions.

June 3, 2021

Air Force releases Pease Cancer Mortality Study

Air Force releases Pease Cancer Mortality Study, which determines if members who are or were stationed at Pease ANGB were experiencing more cancer mortality than what would be expected in the population.

May 16, 2021

Torch Passed

Command of the New Hampshire Air National Guard changed hands during a ceremony held beneath the wings of a KC-46A refueler at Pease Air National Guard Base on May 15. In a symbol of the transfer, outgoing commander Brig. Gen. Laurie Farris passed the organizational guidon to incoming commander Brig. Gen. Jed French.

May 7, 2021

Heavy Mettle

It’s been over a year since Gov. Chris Sununu chose the New Hampshire National Guard as his state champion. COVID-19 has been a formidable foe. But the battle is turning. “The size and duration of this activation has been unprecedented,” said NH Adjutant Gen. David Mikolaities. “It truly reflects on the next greatest generation and their ability to help their community, state and nation.” About 1,260 guardsmen have served on Task Force Granite, the state’s makeshift pandemic response force. But as more Granite Staters become vaccinated, support missions are drawing to an end. Many guardsmen have returned to their civilian jobs. About 660 NH Guard soldiers and airmen remain on orders supporting four lines of effort.

May 5, 2021

Running for Carter

The 2021 New Hampshire National Guard Marathon Team trekked west to the Great Plains of Nebraska to race in the Lincoln Marathon on May 2. The team was missing one of its top athletes this year. Spc. Carter Schade, a motor transport operator with the 941st Military Police Battalion, died unexpectedly Jan. 21. He was 20 years old. The team dedicated the race in Schade’s memory.

April 28, 2021

First Class Distributors

After more than a year of supporting the state’s national stockpile during the worst pandemic in modern history, the New Hampshire National Guard’s distribution mission is coming to an end. “We're getting to the point where the PPE suppliers are opening back up,” said Capt. Jeremy Saunders this week. The officer in charge of Task Force Distro explained that medical facilities across the state are now able to purchase PPE through normal supply channels.

April 10, 2021

Brothers In Arms

Spc. Dylan Martel, a mechanic assigned to the 3643d Brigade Support Battalion, joined the New Hampshire Army National Guard to serve his country and do something meaningful. He enlisted through a split training option his junior year at Concord High School in 2016. Two years later his brother, Spc. Ryan Martel, followed the same path.

April 1, 2021

NH Guardsmen sport tiger stripes one last time

The Airman Battle Uniform or ABU, notorious for its pixelated gray-blue tiger stripes and sage green combat boots, was officially decommissioned today. In its place, the Air Force adopted the Army's Operational Camouflage Pattern or OCP, which was unveiled in 2015. New Hampshire Air Guardsmen were issued the new look months ago, but a handful of airmen assigned to Task Force Distro wore their ABUs to work one final time at the state’s COVID-19 PPE warehouse in Concord on March 31.

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