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Sept. 4, 2023
Thunder Over New Hampshire Air Show updates
CONCORD, N.H. — The 2023 Thunder Over New Hampshire Air Show announces a sustainable South Gate entrance at Pease ANG Base for the event scheduled for Sept. 9- 10. For all air show questions and updates, head to ✈️
Aug. 25, 2023
NHNG wins regional marksmanship match
CAMP ETHAN ALLEN TRAINING SITE, Vt. — New Hampshire National Guard shooting squads won gold and silver for a second-straight year at a regional match held Aug. 18- 20 at Camp Ethan Allen Training Site in Jericho, Vermont.
July 17, 2023
Feeling right at home
CONCORD, N.H. — The New Hampshire Army National Guard hosted a State Partnership Program exchange from July 9-11 in Concord. Military guests, seven from El Salvador and three from Cabo Verde, collaborated with Guard aircrews at the Army Aviation Support Facility.
July 13, 2023
NHARNG Black Hawk aircrew rescues flood victims in Vermont
BERLIN, Vt. — A New Hampshire Army Guard Black Hawk crew from Charlie Company, 3rd of the 238th Aviation Regiment, rescued three people whose home was surrounded by high water in Berlin, Vermont, on July 11.
June 30, 2023
Message to the Force
CONCORD, N.H. — Happy July 4th to you and your families. As we commemorate 247 years of independence, the New Hampshire National Guard could not be in better hands thanks to your unwavering commitment to the citizens of our State and Nation.
June 20, 2023
Mountain currency
BERLIN, N.H. — With multiple rows of staged medical mannequins, soldiers from Charlie, Delta and Echo Company, 3rd Battalion, 238th Aviation Regiment (MEDEVAC), New Hampshire Army National Guard, practiced rapid medical response and casualty evacuation during their annual training from June 3 to 18.
June 1, 2023
Local employers get up close with Pease air refueling mission
PEASE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, N.H. — Representatives from local employers had the opportunity to fly aboard 157th Air Refueling Wing KC-46A aircraft during an air refueling mission, May 24 out of Pease Air National Guard Base, New Hampshire.
Message to the Force: From generation to generation
CONCORD, N.H. — Juxtaposed against a holiday weekend and the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day is a solemn reminder that the freedoms we enjoy come at a dear price. Since the Revolutionary War, 1.1 million men and women have died in service to our nation. The Civil War accounts for nearly half the fallen, World War 2 for more than 400,000. New Hampshire's losses number in the thousands.
May 24, 2023
157th Civil Engineers Complete Seamless Total Force Integration with Pacific Air Forces Command
MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan — Airmen from the 157th split into two groups to assist on projects at both Yokota and Misawa Air Bases May 3-20, 2023. Each specific shop complimented their active-duty counterparts and integrated all training tasks, executing more than 4,000 hours of training and over 800 tasks.
May 18, 2023
NH shooters earn coveted 'Chief's 50'
North Little Rock, Ark. — Two New Hampshire Guardsmen finished in the top 10 at the 52nd Annual Winston P. Wilson Rifle and Pistol Championships held in North Little Rock, Arkansas from April 29 to May 5. Sgt. 1st Class David Musso, a soldier with 3643d Brigade Support Battalion, and Tech. Sgt. Connor Cunio, an airman with 157th Air Refueling Wing, finished eighth and 10th, respectively, out of 247 competitors from around the world.